Brand Protection
An extensive portfolio of services to help your company secure its reputation, intellectual property and brand authority
Our brand protection services can help your organisation secure its intellectual property both online and off.
We've helped clients in the media, luxury goods, pharmaceutical and automotive industries tackle piracy, trademark infringements, copyright violations and the sale of counterfeit goods.
We leave no stone unturned, often monitoring targets for months until we have the information you need to take the appropriate course of action.
What We Do
1. Online Investigations
We can investigate a range of IP violations online including:
- Trademark and copyright infringements
- Design theft
- Patent violations
- Content piracy
- The sale of counterfeit or stolen goods
- Rogue websites, social media impersonators and trademark squatters
- The sale of counterfeit goods through independent or established marketplaces
We'll help you take down rogue website by identifying their owners and the companies behind them. If necessary, we will also engage in the purchase of counterfeit goods to obtain a clearer ideas on vendors and their supply chains.
2. Brand Monitoring
No organisation should pay thousands of dollars per month for routine brand monitoring services. Knowledge of the right tools and tech standards is more than adequate to develop a world-class monitoring solution that protects you and your organisation.
If you'd like to forego the work of building a custom monitoring solution we can do this for you. We will develop a low-cost dashboard that automates the collection of intelligence from web and social media sources, as well as from popular e-commerce platforms. Email and / or SMS alerts can also be configured to notify you as soon as something relevant has been found.
Control of this dashboard would then be passed to you, together with guidance on how to maintain it. There are no recurring fees on our part.
3. Training
Our OSINT-related courses are ideal for those organisations wishing to improve their intelligence and investigative capabilities. We'll design a program that strengthens your intelligence and investigative capabilities and offer guidance on the tools you can use and the sources you should monitor to protect your brand.
How You Benefit
Working with us assures you of:
- Access to a world class team of analysts and investigators
- Realtime, low-cost intelligence on your brand
- Flash alerts and / or detailed reports with actionable intelligence for you legal team
- Full transparency on the tools and methods used to generate our findings
- Our support in the provision of expert testimony if needed