OSINT: Advanced Data Retrieval (Virtual Course)

Open enrolment and in-house options available

This 2.5-day course will give you the skills needed to become a master OSINT practitioner. To begin, we will show you how to use command line-based OSINT scripts to broaden the collection of information on the topics and targets of interest to you. Next you will be shown how to use virtual machines and different Linux distributions to leverage an extended range of OSINT tools. Therafter, guidance will be provided on the use of JavaScript to automate routine OSINT tasks. The course ends with instruction on the use of Maltego to support entity investigations.

Course Outline

Working with the Command Line


  • Becoming a master practitioner
  • Having the right mindset, skillset, toolset
  • Legal, ethical and security considerations

Command Line OSINT

  • Working with virtual machines
  • Working with the command line
  • Finding and installing OSINT scripts
  • Maintaining your script library
  • Developing your OSINT cookbook

Running OSINT Scripts

Working with OSINT Scripts

  • Installing and running scripts for:
    • Website investigations
    • People search / background search
    • Username investigations
    • Email and phone number investigations
    • Social media intelligence
    • Web scraping
    • Breached data investigations
    • Dark web investigations
  • Monitoring the web for new OSINT scripts

Virtual Machines and Mobile Operating Systems (OSs)

Working with Linux Distros

  • OS alternatives for OSINT work
  • Recommended Linux distros
  • Recommended Linux-based tools

Mobile Operating Systems

  • Recommended mobile operating systems
  • Benefits and limitations
  • Installing and running a mobile OS
  • Using a mobile OS for OSINT

Working with JavaScript

Automating Queries with JavaScript

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Using JavaScript for OSINT
  • Finding and testing third party scripts
  • Generating and testing your own scripts
  • Building a script library for research and investigations

Working with Maltego

Generating OSINT with Maltego

  • Set up and configuration
  • Security considerations
  • Understanding the Maltego interface
  • Working with entities
  • Working with transforms
  • Working with machines
  • Running investigations in Maltego
  • Investigating organisations
  • Investigating individuals
  • Investigating digital assets
  • Vetting and validating your results
  • Analysing your results

Course Details

Who is this Course For?

This course is intended for experienced researchers, investigators and cybersecurity professionals looking to grow their knowledge of, and familiarity with, OSINT-relevant scripts and operating systems.

How You Benefit

On completion of this course, you will have the ability to:

  • Understand the basic principles of working with the command line
  • Find, install and run popular OSINT scripts
  • Remove common technical obstacles to working with scripts
  • Leverage OSINT-optimised operating systems
  • Integrate VMs and mobile operating systems into your OSINT workflows
  • Use Raspberry Pi, Raspbian and other Linux builds for OSINT research

What You Receive

  • A full set of course slides / user guides in PDF
  • An index of recommended OSINT scripts
  • A live USB
  • A Raspberry Pi device with supporting equipment
  • Six months of post-course support

Course Fee

EUR 1,300

Course Prerequisites

Participants wishing to take our Advanced Data Retrieval course should first complete our Online Investigations and / or our Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) courses in order to scale their capabilities properly.

Course Requirements

Please bring a Windows or Mac laptop and ensure you have full administrative rights to this device. Additional software requirements will be sent prior to the start of this course.